Homeschool UPDATED 01/12/2014

Here are some homeschool resources that others may find helpful:

Homeschool Buyer’s Co-op – A place where homeschool parents can buy things together for cheaper.  “The nation’s largest purchasing cooperative for families educating with a homeschool curriculum.”  My mom paid for some of the resources below using this very site.

Home2teach – group courses with weekly chatroom lessons.  if you want to learnt to write and write well, I really recommend these courses.  Not for the faint of heart, however 😀  I took my last class two years ago, so it may have changed, but the rules can be quite strict depending on the teacher you get.

WriteGuide – one on one writing course.  I didn’t find these very challenging, but if you need something to keep you practicing, this provides the instigating push to get you writing every day.

Thinkwell – various AP courses taught by college professors.  I am currently taking Government and Physics.  Very good, even entertaining; theses are some of the best online courses I have taken.  Each lecture is followed by notes and a short quiz.

What Your *-Grader Needs to Know – series of books that show grade by grade what a student should learn.  My parents used to use this for my curriculum.  I highly recommend.

Keystone Academy – An online highschool.  I know a girl who does this and she really likes it.  Some cyberschoolers don’t consider themselves homeschoolers, others do.  I personally think one should seize any possible chance to be a homeschooler!

That’s all for now!



What do you think?